VAAOH State President Bill Halpin had the honor of presenting National AOH Life Membership to our Brother Hugh O’Brien. Hugh has a distinguished career in the AOH beginning when he joined the General Thomas F. Meagher Division. He served the division as president for three terms from 1995-1997 and in appointed division positions including historian (2008-2015), Charities Committee chairman (2010-present), as St Jude Parish Liaison (2009-present and on the Past Presidents Committee (2014-present). Having excelled at the division, Hugh was elected Virginia State Secretary in 1997, State Vice President in 1999, and State President in 2001. After six years in elected state positions, Hugh accepted appointments as the Buy Irish Chairman (2004-2012) and Politic Brother O’Brien is an inspiration with his division and throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. His steadfast support and dedication to all Ancient Order of Hibernians’ activities is the model for every Hibernian to follow. His record setting attendance at division and state meetings is unsurpassed as are his contributions to the good and welfare of the Order. Brother O’Brien seems to be omnipresent when the Meagher Division needs volunteers for any external or internal activities. He is a presence in Hibernian parades in Fredericksburg, Alexandria and elsewhere and at 30 consecutive annual Gaelic Masses. Even on the coldest, blustery days in December or January, Brother O’Brien is always present and often presents the boxwood wreath commemorating the Irish Brigade’s heroic actions in the Battle of Fredericksburg. He demonstrates his Catholic faith each January in Fredericksburg Freedom of Religion March. Also significant, Hugh has attended nearly every state and national convention from 1997 thru the Louisville convention in 2018.