Good evening everyone. I hope this message finds everyone in good spirits and healthy!
I encourage all of you to view today’s “Pub-Time with Padre” led our our Past State Chaplain Fr. Timothy Harris T.O.R. from His Parish in Sarasota, Florida – Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. Further please share with all of your fellow Hibernians at your earliest convenience. This 1-hour “chat” is a wonderful and thought provoking presentation by Our Friend in Florida! I, for one, am very proud that Fr. Tim is a Hibernian!
Brother Pat Shea – please post this URL and Father’s email address on our state website – Thank you!
Fr. Timothy’s email address for the presentations is FrTimothyHarrisTOR@OLQM.net
I know that Fr. Tim would love to hear from you!
Jay McCarthy VA AOH State President