Fr. Ed Guilloux, Kelley Division, Manassas,VA Chaplain Congratulates Anne Lima, for having her St Patrick Coloring Contest entry selected as the grand prize winner.
300 children from 3 parishes, St Francis of Assisi, Holy Family, and All Saints located in Prince William County VA participated in this year’s annual event sponsored by the Fr. Mychal Judge O.F.M. Ancient Order of Hibernians Each of the 16 winners received a T Shirt, St. Patrick Holy card and their framed entry. Judges selected First, Second, and Third place winners for each of the 5 grades (K-4) as well as one Grand prize winner.
This year’s event was the third year for the contest which was started by the Division after learning about it from The Louisville KY AOH host Division at the 2019 National Convention. Our success with the program is due to the great support from Louisville AOH contest coordinator, Bill Moriarity, said Brother Harry Flynn, coordinator for the Mychal Judge Divisions event.
We hope to have additional parish Schools and Religious Education programs participate next year. when the Virus restrictions are behind us. The Children where the program is in its third year look forward to the contest in hopes of winning a coveted TSHIRT and the grand Prize.
Program directors are encouraged to teach the students about St Patrick. Each participant signs their name on the entry that they did all the coloring which is helps promote integrity and honesty for all the participants.