The AOH and LAOH Mychal Judge Divisions of Triangle dropped off their food contribution on 7-24-21 to the Hilda Barg Shelter for the Homeless. There were 12 adults, 11 teens, and 3 children at the Shelter. Pictured are Tom Kelley, Collette White and Dee Coimbra (LAOH – Collette is the President). This cart had Papa John’s pizzas, drinks, and cupcakes. Not pictured is another cart with a huge salad tray with separate smaller trays for red onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, colored peppers, and crouton (plus salad dressings) and a complete set of lunch items (bread, deli meats and cheeses, etc.) for the next day.
Thanks to Joe and Dave for monetary contributions and Dan for the lunch items (and delivery). We will do this again in the winter with the LAOH. Perhaps the COVID-related restrictions will be lifted and we can prepare and serve the meal in-person.