The next State Quarterly meeting will be held on February 26, 2022, at the church hall of St. Jude Catholic Church, 9600 Caritas Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22408. The meeting will begin at 9:00 AM and will be hosted by the Meagher Division. Please let Division President Bob Fitzgerald know how many from your division will be attending. Due to COVID 19 concerns, the meeting will also be available by Zoom. Details on Zoom meeting specifics will be sent out closer to the meeting date.
If we have 20 candidates, the Major Degree will be exemplified. Please solicit your membership for available candidates and advise me no later than February 16th.
If you are receiving this email and you are no longer a Divisional president or State Board member, please pass it along to your current President and request your Divisional Financial Secretary to forward a copy of your 2022 Form 9 to State Secretary Eikmeier and me. I thank the 5 divisions who have done this.
Lastly, a reminder that the Form11 is due to National Secretary Jere Cole no later than February 15, 2022, including your National per Capita payment. A copy of your Form 11 with your State per Capita payment should be sent to State Treasurer Edwin Hanson. After that date, there is a $4.00 PER MEMBER late charge due to the National Board.
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