It has been just under two weeks since the 2024 AOH-LAOH National Convention concluded in Orlando, Florida, so I thought a brief recap would be in order as we conclude the summer season and prepare for our September Division meetings throughout Virginia.
For those of you who may not have already heard, the campaign to elect our own Brother Jay McCarthy, Past State President, to a National Director position was unsuccessful.
The outcome of the election was not as desired but certainly not due to a lack of effort. Brother Jay ran a great campaign and was well received by a number of AOH delegations and officers from across the country. Unfortunately, the delegate numbers were simply not in our favor and most of the candidates elected had previously served in national chair positions or on committees with greater exposure.
I wish to sincerely thank all of our Virginia officers and brothers who attended the national convention. It is no small undertaking of time, effort, and expense to attend such an event but it is a vital part of our Order’s mission and purpose to help continue the good work of the AOH and assure strong leadership moving forward.
Generally speaking the National Convention was well attended and successful. The meetings, banquets, and hospitality events were enjoyable and the venue and service was great.
There were a few “hiccups” to contend with as can be expected with any large event or production, but most of the more than 700 AOH/LAOH delegates, spouses, family, and guests who made the trip to Orlando appeared to have a positive experience.
Please see my synopsis of the convention attached, and I encourage all of our Committee Chairmen and State Officers to check out a few of the breakout sessions on-line which have links in the report. The sessions contain some great suggestions for increasing charity and membership.
Enjoy what remains of the summer and I look forward to seeing many of you in October at our next Quarterly meeting.
In Our Motto,
Bob Fay
Capt. Robert A. Fay
President, AOH Virginia State Board
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America