As Virginia’s AOH Pro Life Chairman, I attended the 4th Annual Virginia Pro Life Day in Richmond along with Brother Gerard Oswald, Col. Thomas J. Cunningham Jr. AOH Vice President on January 29th. The purpose for the gathering was to meet our State Congressional representatives to voice our concern about upcoming legislation which we currently find to be morally objectionable regarding the life of the unborn.
We left at 6 am from NVA to join approximately 400 concerned citizens at the Convention center to hear about the logistics for the day (which commenced at 9 am). We assembled by Districts to expedite the “who’s who” of State Senators and Congressman that we were scheduled to meet with at the Capitol Building. The process was very organized – detailed booklets were provided regarding the various bills that were up for vote as well as maps and directories involving all aspects of the Capitol. The speakers, especially Amy McInerny (Arlington Diocese Respect for Life Director) and Olivia Gans Turner (President of The Virginia Affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee), were very articulate regarding the various bills and amendments currently being dealt with by VA Congress and why our presence here today is so important.
Upon arrival at the Capitol, Gerard and I immediately headed to our State Senator’s office (I am purposely leaving names out of this write up). Her Administrative Assistant stated that she was booked up for the morning (even though this event has been on everyone’s docket for quite some time. We left her with a list of issues we had wished to discuss along with our contact information. I am not hopeful for a reply…………
We then caught up with others from our District to meet with our local Congressman. He was “willing” to meet with our small group (2 Hibernians, 1 Knight of Columbus, 1 gentleman from Cornerstone Church and a family from NVA (husband, pregnant wife and 2 children under 3). Upon intro’s, the Congressman said that he felt that he “was being ambushed by us!”. Candidly, I found that to be a rather unfriendly position to take with your constituents. The young wife in our group spoke up for the next 4 minutes and presented a very articulate and compassionate viewpoint regarding Pro Life. The Congressman was “passively aggressive” with his limited response/defense for his Pro choice position. When confronted with direct questions regarding Near Term Abortions and the education of his constituents regarding the right to life for the unborn, his response was essentially “no response”…..he taught his daughters to be good adults and it is their decision…….it was like Pilate washing his hands of his responsibility. The meeting lasted about 15 minutes. We made no impact on this Congressman.
To further the point, when Gerard stated that many in attendance today were Catholics and Christians and that our belief is strongly rooted in the fact that only God can give or take life and that babies are truly a gift from God, the Congressman curtly responded that he knows that, that he is Catholic and a Knight of Columbus, which is extremely disconcerting.
Some of our group then left to attend Mass. Gerard and I elected to attend the House of Representatives open session in the chamber at noon. When our delegation of 20 in the gallery were recognized by one of the Congressman on the floor, we received a very light reception. The Insurance Co. that was recognized after us received a much more lively reception from the floor!
All in all, it did not appear that we changed anyone’s mind. Indifference definitely existed throughout most of the Congress. My takeaway was how passionate the young Mother in our small group spoke on behalf of her unborn child as well as about the wellbeing/environment her children will be enduring in the coming years regarding the issue of reproductive “rights”. I wish I had taped her unscripted “position statement” regarding the extreme liberalism within most of the house bills and amendments being considered. Her passion will continue to fire me up regarding the protection needed for the unborn.
I ask everyone to do a little homework and know what is currently going on in your State:
Extreme Abortion Constitutional Amendment – SJ 247 and HJ 1 – we need to oppose
Abortion Shield Bill – SB 743 – we need to oppose
Virginia Reproductive and Gender – Affirming Health Care Protection Act – SB 1098 – we need to oppose
Mandated Coverage of Abortion-Inducing Drugs – SB 780 and HB 2371 – we need to oppose
Hyde Amendment – Need to support in Gov. Younkin’s budget
Bills to support Pregnant Women and Children – Need to support
Adoption Tax Credit – HB 1962
Child Tax Credit – HB 2180 and SB 1378
Protection of Babies Born Alive – HB 2183 and HB 2398