Fellow AOH Brothers and State Leaders –
I hope this note finds you and yours doing well, and that the past year has been kind to you all.
Somehow almost 12 months have passed since last year’s Gaelic Mass, and it is now time for me to spread the word about this year’s upcoming Mass. As always, the Mass will be held on the Monday before St. Patrick’s Day, which means this year we will be celebrating on Monday, March 14. The Mass will start at 730PM and will be held once again at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington.
Please see attached for an updated flyer for this year’s Mass – feel free to distribute to your Divisions, your family & friends, your parishes, and to anyone else who may be interested, either electronically or via printed copies.
A couple of good news updates and notes about this year’s Mass:
– We will once again be planning to livestream the Mass – link & details to follow in due course
– We plan on having a larger, Gaelic-singing choir this year and a music director
– We plan on hosting a reception afterwards in the Cathedral reception hall, beneath the church, with light refreshments and fellowship
– We have a new, refreshed GoFundMe page set up for donations to defray the costs of the Mass (expected to be $1500+ this year) – link included in the flyer
Please feel free to forward this note to your Divisions and your contacts – and please let me know if I should update my distribution list to add or remove any names. I am relying on last year’s list of recipients, but realize that some folks may have moved on from their prior leadership positions, while other new points of contact and Division leaders may have arisen.
Finally, feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I hope to see all of you and many of our fellow Brothers and their families and friends on Monday March 14.
Alex Wilson
Vice President, Col. John Fitzgerald Division
Gaelic Mass Chairman