Dear Hibernians and Friends who cherish Irish heritage and traditions,
December 1st is a global day of philanthropy. I hope you will join me, as many Hibernians will, in supporting the Irish Culture Center of Virginia, Inc. , a 501c. (3) charitable organization.
Founded by Hibernians in November 2019, the Irish Culture Center of Virginia. Inc. is dedicated to supporting the Virginia AOH and LAOH by educating, preserving, researching and displaying our rich Irish heritage, culture, and traditions in dance, music, literature, and the visual arts. When conditions permit, we’ll be hosting céilis, lectures, educational fora, supporting Hibernian festivals state-wide, and funding monuments that will preserve our heritage.
Your tax-deductible donations will make a huge difference. We understand recent tax changes mean fewer people itemize their returns now, but Congress recently approved a special tax deduction for charitable contributions in 2020. That means, even if you do not itemize, you can still deduct up to $300 in contributions if you give now, before time runs out.
Please help by donating today! To donate using PayPal please visit our website: https://irishcultureva.org. If you prefer mail your donation to our Treasurer:
Shawn Lenahan
10405 Watford Lane
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
This is the Virginia AOH/LAOH opportunity to support Irish Heritage with tax deductible dollars, so please ensure your entire membership sees this appeal!
Add the Irish Culture Center to the charities your division will be considering for 2021 and the future!
In Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,
Your Board of Directors, Irish Culture Center of Virginia, Inc.
Kathy Sullivan
Jay McCarthy
Bill Halpin
Terry Riley
Chuck Curran
Shawn Lenahan
Jim McLaughlin